Wednesday, September 06, 2006


So, I am writing to tell you all about class...yea...not really. My classes are going well and I am glad to hear that other people are doing well. I had my first Chem class today and well lets just say its the largest class at Michigan. There are over 500 people in my class, which is taught by Hashim Al-Hashimi. The only reason I am telling you his name is because he was explaining something about force and well he used this analogy:

"So let's say I am throwing a rock at you, the more force I use...."

Thats about all I heard. The thought of him using a "throwing rock" analogy kinda creeped me out, given his name. Well anyway I thought I wanted to share that story with you so I hope you guys appretiated it (I could care less if you do, I am just writing for writings sake)...hope all is well.


Ben (UMD) said...

That's classic, Maughan. I laughed outloud when I read that.

Ezra said...

It reminds me of those pictures you took of Eitan in Israel.