Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Boy, That's A Lot of Quarters

I have officially completed round 1 of Laundry in my college career. It was tough, it was bitter, it was dangerous, but I perservered. And at $1.25 a load plus another $1.25 for drying, that's a whole lot of quarters.

I used to have a quote in my AIM profile, which I found in my Bartlett's Quotations book, and I never thought I would ever be able to use it. But I think I've found a context now. I just can't remember who to attribute it to.

"Last night I dreamed the dream called Laundry." - ?

1 comment:

Carmel (Wellesley) said...

I did my own laundry today too! First time. Only ours is $1 for a washer and the same for a dryer. Three cheers for no discolored socks.