Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Classes galore

So yesterday was the first day of classes. My first was french 205 (this will be discussed later), immediately followed by History of Jazz. I am going to like this class. Homework was some reading, 30-40 minutes of listening, and then a couple of paragraphs about what I listened to. The only challenge I see here is the fact that I've never studies music, so right away I had "synco-what?" moments. The book does a pretty good job of explaining it, but I don't think I can start writing on par with people who, well, know what they're talking about.

Today I was running around all day. French 205 was a mistake, it's way too hard. So I went to a 9:50 201, sat through it, then was told by the professor that it was full and that I can't join. So I went to another section 10 minutes later, sat through that, and I'm in now. Only that was the 2nd day of class so I have to make up homework and stuff. At least it's not the killer that was 205. Bad, bad idea Carmel. Then lunch, then a job interview at the museum (I have 4 more tomorrow, in a whole lot of different places), then Calc II. The professor is nice and not at all intimidating- this is good for those of us who forgot what integrals are. Then a meeting with Mme Masson (my new french professor), and now I'm here. Hopefully the craziness will stop after this week. It better.

Last night we had an all-House meeting. Then an all-hall meeting, where we voted that our hall's bathroom will be co-ed. Bring on the visitors! Right now I actually don't have any guys in my classes (and I doubt I'll see many in women's studies tomorrow). You see them here and there every once in a while...

Anyway, I have homework to do. Finally. Blah.

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