Saturday, October 21, 2006

"The best thing to do in college is make friends with a bunch of slackers"

I was going to post before, but then I read Matthew's post. First of all, that is quite awesome. So, I see your Stephen Colbert and raise you Wang Dan (who led the Tianamen Square protests), Julian Bond (chairman of the NAACP), and the Capitol Steps (duh). We're so intellectual. Hah!

This week has not been that eventful. There's a "party" with Olin kids tonight (7-10 with 3 acapella groups? Sign me up!). We call that "movie night" here on campus... And on that note, allow me to remind something to the general male population. There are no male students on campus. However, being in possession of a phallus does not make you a god upon earth the minute you step off the bus. You may have been confused by those axe commercials and thought that the more you spray it on, the more girls will flock to you (and after all, there are over 2,300 of us). In fact, we have developed a sensitive sense of smell which causes us to flee once we recognize the combined stench of axe and beer. The Wellesley campus does not magically turn you into a hot, sexy stud in the eyes of all women- just as it does not turn us into naked wood nymphs. Erase that smirk off your face and take 5 steps back. Take your hands with you. And I swear to god that if you walk around my hallway yelling at 3am one more time there will be a pitchfork-carrying mob. (Now, I'm sure that plenty of nice guys come on campus. However niceness gets lessened as arrogance and alcohol rise. Plus I think most of those guys hide in a dark wooded area until the bus comes to take them back home.)

Ahem. Now I must return to my women's studies paper (with the words in the title, which- yes- were actually said on the wellesley campus, in mind).

PS: if anyone is in the area next weekend: Munger Mash. Friday night. 10-2. Come in costume. Crazy Wellesley sex not guaranteed.


Ezra said...

What about the male Capitol Steps?

And as long as we are going all out on the alumni-of-our-school competition, I could mention Kurt Vonnegut and Milton Friedman, but I'd rather stick to our most famour professor ever:

Indiana Jones.

Carmel said...

Oh, I named those people as a part of the people coming to the school competition. If we're doing an alumni competition, we have do Hillary and Madeleine...