Saturday, September 09, 2006


So, it's 1:30 am. I'm not really that tired, so what's a cooler thing to do than post on this blog? Nothing, I say! Tonight I was supposed to go to Hillel for candle lighting & dinner and be a good jew. However, I ran into some people in the dining hall after class, one thing led to another and I just got back from a frat party at MIT. When we got there no one was in the house because everyone had gone to dinner, so we went to the campus center and when we came back there was this one guy sitting at the front desk who looked completely shocked. Who wouldn't be when about 25 girls just show up at your door? We sat around the living room for a while, and then the brothers began to arrive. More shock. The first 2 weeks are dry (because of rush and orientation and stuff), so we just chilled and talked and drank.... soda! I don't plan to do much drinking anyway, don't worry. The guys were pretty awkward. I mostly talked to this one guy (who then walked us to the bus and friended me on facebook about 3 seconds later), who wasn't that sketchy but was a senior and kept wanting to "sit down over there" or "go to the other room where the people are dancing in the dark and, um, laugh at them". Luckily I brought the whistle campus po gave us. They gave us "I <3 Kappa Epsilon" shirts. I think I'll go back there, since they're not that weird or sketchy and, well, they're the only place I really know now.

I also made a bunch of new friends, or at least acquaintance, today. These are beginning to be people who are more like me or who I get along with better (as opposed to the people in my mentor group who are quite cool but limited). After walking around MIT, I realized that I like the Wellesley campus a lot. I thought that I would die if I were out of a city or at least out of a town area (the Vil, aka the town of Wellesley, doesn't count- a starbucks and cvs do not a city make), but I like being in the forest here. It's peaceful and nice, and so safe. I'm beginning to feel a lot more comfortable and happy/satisfied here. Hooray. Now, to finish this women's studies reading and get my math homework...

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